False accusations on catholic - Why cathoilcs bow to our blessed virgin mother of God


Catholics are accused of idolatry especially whenever they:
  • Make sign of the cross
  • Bow or kneel before a holy crucifix, statue of the virgin Mary or Jesus or other holy saints.
  • kiss or venerate the holy crucifix during Easter,
  • venerate the relics of saints and pray to saints on the first day of November.
     Those who wish to accuse Roman catholic of idolatry normally starts by quoting Exodus 20:3-5, the first part is from vs 3-4.." Thou shall not have strange god's before me, Thou shall not make to thyself a graven thing , nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath nor of those things that are in the water under the earth". When people read this passage, they make two misinterpretations simply because they read the bible literally and draw their understanding out of context.     some will tell you that the passage means that Christians should not make signs like the catholic sign of the cross others will tell you that this passage means that you should not produce or have pictures, statues, relics or sacramental for any reason. This include the statues of Jesus and Mary or other saints.
  • 1st correction....Exodus 20:1-4 does not forbid the making of sign of the cross, because, if it were a crime to make signs then God should be the culprit. This is because he made use of signs of rainbows to remind him not to destroy the world with food again. god made use of sign of blood in Exodus 12:12-13 to help him and the angels to locate the Israelites during the plague. If God who is knowledge personified needs of signs to help him recall and remember then we all need the sign of the cross at least to remind us of the death of Christ on the cross and reality of the holy trinity.
  • 2nd correction.... A second category of Christians' claim that God forbade the making and use of images or relics. I think they are wrong. Yes, because if it were wrong to make images or statues or respect to holy relics , then everybody is guilty including God. God made an image of himself with clay in Gen.1:26 and 2:6-7 saying let us make man in our own image and likeness.God formed man of dust of the earth and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God went further to directly and personally order the making of image on two occasions
  • The first is exodus 25:10-21 God himself asked them to make the statues of two angel, with pure Gold he asked them to place the statuses of the angels on each of the ark.God made the ark so powerful that it killed a man who touched it illegally in 2Sam 6:7. It was so powerful that David feared to keep it in his house. 2sam 6:9-10
  • The second is from Num 21:6-9 " The lord sent among the people fiery serpents upon which they came to Moses and God . We have sinned ,because we have spoken ill against the lord and thee..pray that he may take away this punishment from us.. Here God ordered the making of a snake statue with bronze it didn't end thee, God still ordered his people to look at the bronze serpent for healing frim the snake poisioning...God did not literally mean that Christians should not make statues it images at all. The real question is " what is God saying? And what did God forbid in exodus20:3-5 ? What God forbids is contained in the second part of that passage, which is exodus20:5 and it says Thou shall not adore them or serve them . Don't ever give adoration or worship which is proper for him alone, to any created things, whether a carved image or even human beings. We need to ask ourselves, what makes an act of adoration or worship proper for God alone .The type of worship meant for God alone is called supreme worship and it's basic characteristics is that in such act of worship the worshipper acknowledges in his mind that the dirty being worshipped is his uncreated creator, the owner of his life, and in fact the end point ..it is the spiritual character that make supreme worship different from other forms of worship.
  • At this case ends here I rest my point..when I kneel or bow to pray ,there are two things you should not accuse me of idolatry
  • I pray to her as a powerful intercessor to God
  • I pray in connection with my mind  to our blessed virgin mother of God and not to the statues........
  • Note that: We dont not worship her but we honour her as the mother of Christ...


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